Lawful Intercept Solutions

Service providers perform lawful intercept activities to meet government mandated legal requirements.

The challenge for service providers has been to costeffectively meet lawful intercept requirements. Historically, this has meant deploying dedicated monitoring equipment which can be costly to acquire, deploy, maintain, and train.

TelcoBridges gateway have full ETSI 201 671 v2-1-1 compliant lawful interception capabilities built in. That means the same gateway unit that can route your Signaling, Media, or both your Signaling & Media, can also perform your lawful interception as well.

TelcoBridges Tmedia Gateways support Lawful Intercept according to ETSI standards 201 671 v2-1-1.

Our solutions comply with Lawful Intercept regulations, support VoIP, records the call details & voice recordings, and supports voice recording for non-ETSI deployments.


Telcobridges Lawful intercept (LI) solutions are already compliant to regulations making it a low cost solution compared to other vendors who require additional equipment and complications.

VoIP Support

Our Lawful intercept solutions support VoIP which greatly facilitates the integration and implementation, as well as providing the ability to fulfill Law Enforcement Agency (LEA) requirements.

Recording of call details as well as voice

Our ability to record the call details as well as the voice allows us to fully comply with regulations.

​Non-ETSI deployments

For non-ETSI deployments our solution offers the ability to perform targeted voice recordings to comply with different regulations.

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